Visit Ibiza > Places of interest

Torre d’en Valls

Watchtower in front of Tagomago islet, on the peninsula of Es Cap Roig

  • La Torre d'en Valls o de Campanitx, en el entorno de Es Pou des Lleó
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • La isla de Tagomago, desde los acantilados próximos a la Torre d'en Valls
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • La Torre d'en Valls, en la costa este de Ibiza, desde el mar
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Antiguamente la Torre d'en Valls no poseía acceso en la planta baja y se subía a ella mediante una escalera
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • La Torre d'en Valls, en Sant Carles, está rodeada de bosque
    Photo: Xescu Prats
Municipality Santa Eulària des Riu
Area Sant Carles

Campanitx tower, called Valls too, situated between the beaches of Cala de Boix and Pou des Lleó, provides a fantastic panoramic view of the small island of Tagomago, a paradise for the Eleonora’s falcon: its colony on Tagomago is the most important one in the Balearic Archipelago. The whole of this zone, including the small peninsula of Cap Roig, has been declared an area of outstanding natural interest (ANEI: Área Natural de Especial Interés), in a setting which includes the hills of Sa Talaia de Sant Carles.

In 1864 there was an explosion in the tower, and the official account attributes the accident to a lightning, which detonated the gunpowder stored in the stronghold. Some local versions, however, have always voiced the suspicion that the incident was provoked by a scorned lover who wanted to take revenge on his rival, a tower guard. The tower remained in ruins for many years, but it was restored in 1982. In its days of glory, it was equipped with two cannons and two tower guards.

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  • La Torre d'en Valls o de Campanitx, en el entorno de Es Pou des Lleó
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • La isla de Tagomago, desde los acantilados próximos a la Torre d'en Valls
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • La Torre d'en Valls, en la costa este de Ibiza, desde el mar
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Antiguamente la Torre d'en Valls no poseía acceso en la planta baja y se subía a ella mediante una escalera
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • La Torre d'en Valls, en Sant Carles, está rodeada de bosque
    Photo: Xescu Prats
How to arrive
Situated between the beaches of Cala de Boix and Pou des Lleó
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