Visit Ibiza > Villages

Puig d’en Valls

Neighbourhood next to the capital, you can visit an ancient windmill.

  • Plaza frente a la pequeña iglesia de Puig d'en Valls
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Una payesa elabora un cesto de caña, durante las fiestas de Puig d'en Valls
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Espacio público situado tras la iglesia de Puig d'en Valls
    Photo: Xescu Prats
Municipality Santa Eulària des Riu
Area Jesús

Population pressure in Ibiza has affected the growth of this residential neighborhood, in the municipality of Santa Eulalia, with a succession of houses with gardens and small cultivation parcels.

In Puig d’en Valls neighbourhood, next to the capital, you can visit an ancient windmill built in the eighteenth century, which is now publicly owned. The mills are the first industrial buildings in the island, also considered historical monuments and a witness of a not so long ago way of life. It has been rebuilt and can be visited every Thursday, from 10,30 to 13,30h.

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  • Plaza frente a la pequeña iglesia de Puig d'en Valls
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Una payesa elabora un cesto de caña, durante las fiestas de Puig d'en Valls
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Espacio público situado tras la iglesia de Puig d'en Valls
    Photo: Xescu Prats
How to arrive
From the city center of Ibiza, takes Ignasi Wallis street, direction of the highway of Sant Antoni.
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