Visit Ibiza > Villages


The town has some restaurants and taverns, gastronomic stores and all kind of boutiques and the church conserves a beautiful Gothic altarpiece.

  • Restaurante Bon Lloc, en la avenida principal del pueblo de Jesús
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • El humedal de Ses Feixes comienza en Eivissa capital y alcanza el pueblo de Jesús
    Photo: Xescu Prats
Municipality Santa Eulària des Riu
Area Jesús
  • La iglesia de Jesús, uno de los templos más bellos y antiguos de la Eivissa rural
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Casa parroquial anexa a la iglesia de Jesús
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Paseo de entrada a la iglesia de Jesús, en Ibiza
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Vistas de Eivissa capital, desde los campos que rodean el pueblo de Jesús
    Photo: Xescu Prats

Jesus is a small village, close to the city of Ibiza and Talamanca beach, although the municipality of Santa Eulalia. Today is a residential area of ​​the city, with many luxury homes with views of the bays of Talamanca and Ibiza, and a small town center, with many restaurants, shops and services.

The village has a cosmopolitan atmosphere all year and their terraces are always lively.

The church boasts one of the most valuable relics of the island: a Gothic altarpiece from the sixteenth century attributed to Rodrigo de Osona. Some experts consider its face of the Virgin to be one of the most beautiful among all the medieval iconography in Spain.

pueblo de jesus santa eularia eulalia ibiza eivissa

Restaurante Bon Lloc, en la avenida principal del pueblo de Jesús

Photo: Xescu Prats

Part of the plain in Jesús belongs to ses Feixes, a peculiar irrigation system by means of ditches that reach the capital.

pueblo de jesus santa eularia eulalia ibiza eivissa

El humedal de Ses Feixes comienza en Eivissa capital y alcanza el pueblo de Jesús

Photo: Xescu Prats



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  • Restaurante Bon Lloc, en la avenida principal del pueblo de Jesús
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • El humedal de Ses Feixes comienza en Eivissa capital y alcanza el pueblo de Jesús
    Photo: Xescu Prats
How to arrive
Very close to the town of Eivissa, 3 km.
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