Es Cubells location gives this place a special charm, as it is built near a huge cliff. It is also just a small village although many country houses surround it. The largest buildings are a convent of the Teresian order, on the outskirts of the village and not open to the public, and the church, which was built with its back wall to the cliff.
For many years no mass was celebrated in this small temple, and it was inhabited by hermits and farmers, until 1867 the oratory became Es Cubells church, devoted to Virgin Carmen, although it was not considered a parish with full rights until 1940. The works were finished in 1958, and it is the newest of the churches built following the rural architectural style of the island.
At the right hand of the church there is a statue in honour to brother Francesc Palau, who was born in Lleida (Catalonia) in 1811. He is part of the island’s history also for spending long periods of time alone in Es Vedrà.

Pese a ser del siglo XX, la iglesia de Es Cubells mantiene la arquitectura de los templos rurales de Ibiza
Photo: Xescu Prats
On your visit to Es Cubells, we recommend you go to the small beaches at the foot of the cliff. The houses, built on a clayey soil, seem surprisingly fragile, as their ground is nothing more than mud.