Visit Ibiza > Beaches

Cala Saladeta

One of the most beautiful beaches in Sant Antoni, with turquoise sea

  • Cala Saladeta, una de las playas más bellas del municipio de Sant Antoni
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Casetas varadero en Cala Saladeta
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • La orilla de Cala Saladeta es de arena blanca y fina
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Panorámica de Cala Saladeta, con el intenso color azul turquesa del mar
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Cala Saladeta está rodeada por un pequeño acantilado coronado de pinos
    Photo: Xescu Prats
Municipality Sant Antoni de Portmany
Area Sant Antoni

Distance: 4 km from Sant Antoni

Cala Saladeta is undoubtfuly one of the most exhilarating spots in Ibiza, which makes it a really popular place, especially in July and August. This white-sand beach with turquoise waters has a wide area to lay the towel, and stone fishing huts at the side. The cove is isolated, but a narrow path along the rocks communicates it with Cala Salada, where there’s all kind of services.

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  • Cala Saladeta, una de las playas más bellas del municipio de Sant Antoni
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Casetas varadero en Cala Saladeta
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • La orilla de Cala Saladeta es de arena blanca y fina
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Panorámica de Cala Saladeta, con el intenso color azul turquesa del mar
    Photo: Xescu Prats
  • Cala Saladeta está rodeada por un pequeño acantilado coronado de pinos
    Photo: Xescu Prats
How to arrive
You can walk from Cove Salada, by a path that starts in front of the pink house. The road is not easy, because it's down by rocks. There is another direct path by which you can go also walked. Start a dirt road to find the right, in the last curve before reaching Cove Salada. This indicated. The road is good, except at the end.
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