The watchtower with the most spectacular landscape in Ibiza
Watchtower (s. XVIII) to guard the small islands in the west and the port of Sant Antoni
Los estanques salineros se explotan desde el 600 a. C. y componen y un ejemplo único de biodiversidad
One of the most lively villages during summer and winter. With many bars and restaurants
Temple with unusually colorful facade and a large bell tower, built in the eighteenth century.
Este humedal, situado tras la playa de Talamanca, albergó un sistema de cultivo herencia de la Ibiza musulmana
The town has some restaurants and taverns, gastronomic stores and all kind of boutiques and the church conserves a beautiful Gothic altarpiece.
La sede del Ayuntamiento de la ciudad, desde el siglo XIX
One the oldest churches in the island and Gothic altarpiece
Importante pieza de arte sacro, con una de las más bellas vírgenes de la iconografía medieval española